Back to work from the festive off.
Had a wonderful Eid this year.
As usual this year too there was confusion because of the moon. Some parts of India observed Eid celebrations on October 24th and the others October 25th. Same story every year.
We celebrated Eid on October 24th. The night prior everything was messed up. Got to know Eid is on 24th only around 9 o'clock in the evening. There were so many last minute preparations pending. That day went to bed only around 2 a.m. Both my forearms covered with mehndi design.
As a kid to me Ramzan signified fasting, eating delicacies made by mom for Iftiar, getting new dresses, and in the end collect a whole lot of Eidi (monetary gift kids get on Id-ul-Fitr).
But now as I am a grownup it has a different meaning, (including the above mentioned pleasures) I take the month of Ramzan more spiritually now. I think that is the only time in the year I become so religious.
This year I touched my parents' feet for their blessings. This was the first time in my life I had done that. Both were really very happy.
Got a beautiful finger ring as a Ramzan gift from Mom and Dad.
This was the first year I gave Eidi to my cousins and also collected a good amount from my uncles and aunts too. ;-)
As Ramzan has elapsed, my daily schedule changes. Am back to my normal agenda now.
Back to normal life.
Will have to wait for another year to pass for the next Ramzan.
I think this was one of the best Eid of my life.
& by the way, belated EID MUBARAK to all !!