Monday, December 31, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Back From Hibernation !!!!!
After more than 4 months....
Went to hibernation before winter.. he he he..
But am back now..
And with a new plan..
Planning to convert "Life & Me" into a Fun Blog..
Where I'll make note of all the fun I've been up to..
Good way to recall my fun times whenever I want to.. :)
Hope I loyally follow it this time..
Will be back tomorrow..
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Response to Stimuli !!
You have given me the physiological mechanism of responding to any stimulus..
I pull my hands away when I touch something hot..
I sneeze when I catch cold..
I cough when I choke something..
I cry when my eyes are irritating or if I am sad..
I eat when I am hungry..
I smile when I am happy..
I blush when I feel embarrassed or shy..
I yawn when I am sleepy..
I laugh when I find something funny..
I feel bored when nothing is happening..
I listen to music when I am feeling low..
I shop when I feel the urge of shopping..
Etc., etc., etc., etc.
Then why.. Why don't I shut my mouth when am angry ?!?!
Why do I start shouting and blabbering when am angry ?!?!
I tell all that is not necessary and then feel guilty about it.... :(
Please, teach me how to respond when am angry..
Okae.. I pray for this..
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Life in Transition !!
From an All-Gals Gang to an All-Guys Gang..
In my schooling days, I was never used to being around/with guys..
I mean I dint have any friends who were guys..
Except for my cousins, with whom I used to spend my evenings.
And among these cousins also all were younger to me, except 1.
This group comprised of 5 guys (my brother and 4 other cousins) and 2 gals (my sister and I).
Our houses were close by so we used to play our games togehter after school..
And in school, it was an all girl's school..
So, there again no boys.
And soon when I was 10 years old, these 4 cousins of mine moved to Canada.
So my only friend who was a guy was my brother.
And then, the whole of my schooling years were in and around gals only.
I really din't know how to react when I was around guys of my age..
They were aliens to me..
And my college was also an all-gals college..
So, there again a BIG gang of Gals.. We were a total 9 of them..
And I love my college days more than my school days..
Those were the Best Days of My Life !! ;)
The first time I was exposed to guys was during my CET coaching classes..
And I had a tough time there..
I never used to talk to any guy..
Never respond to them at all..
The guys in my class used to call me Miss Touch-Me-Not.. :D
And I hated them all..
My next set of friends were at NEXT.. The medical transcription training center..
I was the youngest in my batch and so was pampered a lot..
And the guys in my batch never used to bully me.. they were like my big brothers..
I really love and miss the way I was pampered then..
Life moved on and I joined Spheris (Healthscribe then).
Here again I had only Varsha, Sudha, Chitra, and Shobha as friends..
No guys here too.. and we gals had a lot of fun..
Soon Chitra had to move to the opposite shift, Sudha quit, and Shobha moved away for some reasons..
Varsha and I were left..
We moved to a new team and new teammates, and most of whom we were close to were guys.
Very soon my friend circle had both gals and guys in it..
And I loved those times too..
Later things changed.. Varsha got married..
And now am in an All-Guys Gang..
The only girl in the whole gang..
And I like being like that too..
Coz guys are very much different from gals..
Hassle-free you know..
I mean, I feel, there are no jealousy or ego problems when with guys..
Hope am right..
I have 2 very very very very good friends, say my best friends, both are guys.
I had never ever imagined in my silliest dreams, I would have guys as my friends..
And now am having a different feeling..
I want to be alone..
I am my BESTEST friend..
Wanna spend all my time with myself..
But I know this is only short-term..
After all, when should I be such a loner.
Dunno which stage of transition I will move in the future.
Lets hope for the best, like it has been the best till now.. :)
Monday, June 18, 2007
I'll Be There For You....
THIS IS MY 50th POST !!!! :) :)
I want to go 10 years back..
Wanna go back to be a kid.
Yah, I am enjoying life more now..
But still those were the golden days.
That tension-free life, no hard feelings, no misunderstandings, no need to give explanations to anybody, no need to show anybody how much you care for them... Everything would just happen on its own.. Our fights were all so short-lived..
I remember my friends and me playing so many games.
We even used to enact what we watch on television.
Give ourselves characters and enact particular episodes we used to watch on TV.
One skit everyday.. It was either something we'd watch on TV or our own plays.
I remember myself playing "Meera" of "Hip Hip Hurray".
It was Hip Hip Hurray then, and now I relate myself to FRIENDS.
But sad I don't have all 5 Friends.
I know 2.. I relate them to be Ross and Joey..
And myself.... Am confused..
I dunno if I want to be Monica or Rachael..
I want to be Monica..
But am more like Rachael, I guess..
I wish I really had a BIG gang like FRIENDS.
I would love to be in a circle like that.
I would love to live a FRIENDS life.
But I guess that doesn't happen in India..
Or at least it doensn't happen with me.
Am the "Calamity Kid".
I screw up all relationships. :(
I create disasters.
I dunno if it is me who doesn't understand people, or is it the people who don't understand.
But I wanna tell all my Friends..
I'll Be There For You !!
So no one told you life was going to be this way
Your jobs a joke, you're broke, your love life's DOA
It's like you're always stuck in second gear
And it hasn't been your day, you weekm your month, or even your year
I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour..
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before..
I'll be there for you
'Cuz you're there for me too..
You're still in bet at ten
And work began at eight
You've burned your breakfast
So far.. things are goin' great
Your mother warned you there'd be days like these
Oh but she didn't tell you when the world has brought
You down to your knees that..
I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour..
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before..
I'll be there for you
'Cuz you're there for me too..
No one could ever know me
Seems you're the only one who knows
What it's like to be me
Someone to face the day with
Make it through all the rest with
Someone I'll always laugh with
Even at my worst I'm best with you, yeah..
It's like you're always stuck in second gear
And it hasn't been your day, you weekm your month, or even your year
I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour..
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before..
I'll be there for you
'Cuz you're there for me too..
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Back In Life !!
After a gap of 26 days, am finally here again.
Back in my space, my world, My Life !!
Finished my exams on May 25th.
Exams went well.
I did my best.. Now the evaluator will do the rest.
Results are due in the July, so right now waiting for results.
Till then don't wanna talk about it.. ;)
Life was boring back at work.
Had become a little lazy after the exam break.
And have bloated like anything after this break, still reducing all those extra pounds. :(
The most happening thing, other than my exams, that I did in this gap was watching Mungaru Male.
Am shocked myself.. :D
The gals (Cheryl, Powla, & Tania) had planned it before I was back from the exams.
Finally, we got the tickets with great difficutly on May 30th.
This is my second Kannada movie, first being Mutthina Hara (I was forced to watch that 1, coz there was nothing else in TV), and that was some 13-14 years back.
Mungaru Male was worth a watch, am impressed.
Its been more than 5 months from the time it has been released and its still running housefull.
Am planning to watch it again.
Finally, it seems like am getting successful in anger management.
Am really able to control my anger. :)
Am surprised I can be so patient.
I just pray am able to maintain it.. Help me God !!
That's all for now..
Monday, May 14, 2007
Examineria !!
Will be back soon.. After the exams..
Pray for me !!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Happy Birthday Sister !!
Second: Wish You a Very Very Very Very Happy Birthday.. (Today, belated)
Yeah, yesterday was my sister's Birthday.
She turned 20 yesterday.
Its that time of the year again, when my parents have twins at home. ;)
Every year from April 3rd to April 13th, both Shaista and I are of the same age with 11 months and 20 days more on my side.
Din't celebrate her Birthday this year coz she's got her interns.
So, she's busy studying.
I think today is the last exam.
NE way..
I wish you all the Happiness in the World this year and all the years to come..
Happy Birthday Gal !!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Whats Going On ?!
So many things are happening..
So many changes all of a sudden..
What am I gonna do ?!?!
In the past 2-3 days 2 drastic changes have taken place.
1) Mom and Sadiq got hurt. Kinda met with an accident on Sunday. But they are absolutely fine now with just some very serious bruises, especially Mom. I just hope she gets well soon.
We are having a family bonding time right now at home. Before this everybody was busy with their lives, their daily routine, their daily schedules, trying and fulfilling their own needs.. Just not caring about Mom, when She was always caring about all of us, catering all our needs, doing everything for us. Now we are trying our best to stay with her and help her in all ways we can.
Mom I really really really love you a lot. This stupid incident has made me realize how much I was far away from you. I dunno far by what means but really after this incident you've got too close to me. You were close to me before also, the only person I really care of, worry about, and the only person I love the most.. and you will always be.
2) Guess what ?!?!
Cold War-II came to an end.
Yep.. Varsha and Me are back together..
This happened today.
I came back from breakfast and was logging in.. Then all of a sudden heard "Aysha.." from my left.. I turned to see and it was her.
We smiled at each other..
She: Aysha, next month meri shaadi hai.
Me: Uh.. what ?!
She: Haan.
Me: Uh.. Kya ?! Sachi mein ?!
She smiles.
Me: Um.. Uh.. Itni jaldi ?!
I had the most silly look on my face I think.. Coz she was going on smiling at me.
The only thing I was constantly saying all through our conversation was "Itni Jaldi ?!" like a stupid.
Hmmm.. Remember my post on Wedding Bells and "Ab kiska number aayega ?!"..
Lo Varsha ka number aagaya.. ;-D
I don't understand why do we always wait for something to happen to realize the value of the people around us ?!
We get busy, selfish, greedy, running behind things that we hope to get.. that we are not really sure we will get.
We always forget about the people around us. The ones who are really very close to you. Who need our attention and love.
Why, why do we get so bad ?!
I dunno about everybody else but I think I was.. Am very bad. :-(
The other person is equally to be blamed. Not me alone.
The same thing happened with Varsha and Me.
Anyway, all is well that ends well.
I got back Varsha and I'll try my best not to lose her again. Coz both of us don't have enough time now. I was really very desperate in the fast few days to get back to her. Maybe my sixth sense got activated then.. ;-)
But I dint have that strength to talk to her.
All said and done.. All Cold Wars came to an end.. So now lets stay happy all the time we have with us now.
We already lost a lot of time.
2006 was really very bad.
2007 is good till now but things are happening so fast.. Not leaving any time for me to stop and think.
So many other changes are happening.. and in the end of all this I think I will be left alone.
One by one everybody is leaving me.. to get further ahead in their own lives..
Am really really really very happy for them, but sad that they are leaving.
I pray they get all that they want. Hope their dreams come true..
All the Best to All of You !!
And I Love You All a Lot !!
Am sure going to miss you all a lot.
Now I will try not to be that Sensitive Fool I was in 2006..
And be a very mature and Sensible person.
So Aysha is ready for a change !!
Hope its good for me..
Wish me best of luck.
Hmmmm.. Quite a loooooong post...
Have so much more to say.
But right now am in mixed emotions.
I dunno if I should feel happy or sad.
Still shocked status post "Itni Jaldi ?!" ;-)
Seriously, I dunno what to say.. I have so much to say but lacking words.
May be some more in the next post.
Au revoir !!
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Blogging From Home !!
Blogging from home right now !! :-)
Was browsing till 12 last night..
And now back in front of my computer.
2007 has been good till now.. Hope it continues to be good.
My complaint on January 1, 2006, was that nobody wished me New Year.. (all coz of lines jammed on 31st)
And guess what happened this year..
Everybody wished me.. Got messages even from the people who I dunno.
Start was good.
Hope the whole year is good.
Inspired by Andy's Muthati Blog and now that I have net connection at home, thought of uploading some pics that I took using my 6600 (pics not as good as Andy's, but still am not a very bad photographer).
Guess what this is...
Full moon on December 31, 2006.
Pradeep pulled my leg saying I took a pic of the headlight of a bike. :-/
Since it was Bakrid also on January 1st, these are my Bakras (total 4) !!
And this is the most handsome Bakra I have seen (lol...)
Camera shy !!
Tall, Fair, White fleece, Dark eyes....
And these are the pics I took from our rooftop cafeteria at Spheris.
Greenery on 5th floor..
B'lore from Spheris..
Lawn from 5th floor.
Hmmmm.... I hope 2007 is not as bad as 2006.
I wish it is good for me. :-)
And for now Buh-byeeeeeeeeeeeeee...