Is it me ?
Is something wrong with me or does it happen with everybody ?
Does every relationship come with an Expiry Date ????
Is it me who doesn't know how to keep Friends or is it my Friends who dunno how to keep me ?
Am I destined to lose all my Friends one by one ?
Can't I have more than 1 Best Friend ?
Or has God chosen me to have all the unsuccessful Friendships ?
I really envy people who are Friends for years together.... Why can't I have a Friend who is there always with me.... Who's there to share every joy and sorrow with me.... Why can't I have a Friend for a long time.... Say for many years.....
I really wish I had a Friend who would grow with me....
But I think am not that very lucky..... :(
Why me God ?!?!?!
I don't know whether this will be the right answer, but it may help.
Just think from others perspective. when was the last time you stood by your friend when he/she needed you or needed some help. Well, if some friends are breaking up with you, then it's not your problem, but if all are then, certainly it is something from your part. Try to find it out and you'll have a nice long friendship. Good Luck :)
it happens with some people ,i know coz i am exp the same
I am still trying to find the answers,maybe some ppl are lucky and blessed than others
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